
Connor’s New Room

Yesterday I got a bee in my bonnet about making some changes to Connor’s room.  His is the only room in the house that really has undergone zero changes since we moved in.  We set everything up in his room the day Jill and I brought the kids’ furniture over, and it really hasn’t changed.  I have not been happy with the lack of floor space in his room (and he hasn’t either), but I honestly didn’t think there was any way the bed could be moved to increase it any. 

That all changed yesterday after school, when I sent him in the living room with his Lego bucket and told him I needed his room for awhile.  Knowing how much the kids love surprises, I didn’t let either one of them in while I was working.  It took me less than an hour (and that includes vacuuming) and it cost zero dollars.  I think it turned out beautifully!  And check out all that available floor space . . .

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Connor just loves it, and so does everyone else who has seen it.  What a difference a little furniture-moving makes!  Sometimes it’s the little changes that make a big difference.  In case you’ve forgotten what it looked like before, here’s a couple of shots (notice the narrow strip next to the bed that was his only place to play).

