Today (Wednesday) has been bitterly cold and windy, but we had a lot to accomplish anyway. With only a week left until the house arrives, we've got lots to do every day. On the agenda for today was finalizing the well installation. Our guy is coming out on Saturday to wash the well down (which is great because Jason will already be there installing the sill plate so if the guy has questions he won't have to ask me!). The kids and I drove over to Bell City today to pick up a well pump, so the only thing missing is the pipe to connect the well and pump together and the water tank. The tank will be here on Tuesday, and we plan to purchase the pipe this weekend and (hopefully) bury it.
We also finalized our homeowner's insurance today. Our insurance has to go into effect when the house is set and signed over to us, which will be Wednesday. We let our insurance agent know, so our coverage can begin when we need it to.