We had a long list of things to be accomplished this weekend, because we only have one more weekend after this before the house gets here. So we're trying to get as much prep work done as possible ahead of time. On today's list?
1. Deciding where to order water pressure tank. (Check)
2. Talking to Kirby about getting the LP tank and water heater put in. (Check)
3. Choose well pump and sump pump. (Check)
4. Deciding how much lumber (and in what dimensions) is needed for sill plate, marriage wall support, and treads and risers for the basement stairs. (Check)
5. Purchasing all the lumber (plus screws) needed in #4 above. (Check)
6. Cutting all the treads and risers. (Check)
7. Checking to make sure they fit on the stringers. (Check)
The only downside to accomplishing SO much today? It's so stinkin' cold outside. Even with the propane heater running in the shed, we were still freezing. Do you think tomorrow it will warm up to around 70? :)