
Merry Christmas!

We moved a few boxes on Christmas Eve morning (in the rain!), and Jas got the well pump and water tank installed, but that was about all we did.  This morning (Christmas morning) after breakfast and present-opening, we headed down to the house to spend the day working.  I unpacked boxes and put away kitchen stuff, while Jas worked on the water heater exhaust pipe.  Our water heater is going in the basement, so he had to cut a hole in the floor above the water heater (which is in the broom closet in the laundry room) and then a hole in the attic to run the exhaust pipe through.  He has to cut the hole through the roof tomorrow and install the water heater, as well as hook it up to the gas line.  His plan is also to get the well primed and flushed tomorrow so we can have running water.  That would be nice! :)